How we apply Lean startup methodology in our practice and why prototype development is crucial in product development.
CTO and engineer with 20 years of development experience shares insights and tips for successful cloud migration.
We have explained a solution architect's role, described his core responsibilities and competencies.
We will tell what exactly the enterprise system is, how it can help businesses, present its major types and their key features.
We have outlined the point of the frontend frameworks and their benefits, gathered the most popular for web development.
The article about cross-platform mobile development, its challenges, benefits, and contains a list of the best frameworks of relevance in 2022.
We have figured out why legacy software migration is now so important, and prepared a 6-step guide to incorporate it seamlessly and successfully.
The blog post about benefits businesses can get from creating their own mobile app, along with the reasons they should do it.
Here we have gathered the top 10 current trends in software engineering that companies must take a deeper look at.